Thursday, March 3, 2016

Absense makes the heart grow fonder... after two years...

I haven't written a word for two years.  I didn't know what to say.  But, I've missed writing down the memories.  THere's a phone app (will we laugh about that in 20 years?!) that reminds me of all the funny things my children have said, things we have done, and I am sad that I couldn't do it for two years.  I am terrible about printing out pictures, I never finished the baby books, but if you put it on the internet - it lives forever.  An in this case, that's a good thing!  So.... I make no commitments, no promises, but I am going to try to start recording my sweet strawberries' lives again.  Here goes nothing.
I am amazed daily at how wonderfully sweet and kind and energetic William has become.  Patrick was hysterical on Monday (because I wouldn't let him put his trash in the window at karate...seriously), and William so very gently and full of empathy tried everything he could think of to help calm Patrick down.  I'm not sure any of it worked, but he had so much patience and was so kind o Patrick through all of it.  It was the sweetest thing to watch.  And then he did it again at bedtime, and even in the wee hours when Patrick woke up and was hysterical again.  I'm so glad he hasn't lost his sweet spirit.
I rarely get one on one time with the boys, but Patrick and I manage to make the most of the time before & after I drop off William at school.  The other day we pulled up next to a dump truck and I asked Patrick what he thought was in it.  I had suggested monkeys, but he said no!  ROBOTS!!!  And they were black, like the cover on "brudher's seat!"  Love that boy.  We also have agreat time jamming to classic rock so his animals can dance in the backseat.  I figure, if there is going to be noise and non-sense, it might as well be a good musical education.  ;)  Though, occasionally I do wish for Sirius and  Kidz Bop channel so I Don't have to screen the lyrics as much.  Haha!!
William is clearly advanced for his age - he had to have his six year molars extracted because his thirteen year molars were already coming in and 'eating' his teeth!  So crazy!! He was hilarious on the "happy gas' and had the dentist dying in laughter.  He told her something about the Sugar Bugs on his teeth ending up in his poop.  I wish I could remember exactly how he phrased it because she told every person who came in the room.  William was very very brave through the whole thing and was rewarded with red Knox Blox, lots of icecream, and so many mommy snuggles.

William like to pray before all meals now, which is absolutely precious.  Today's breakfast prayer included thanks for our wonderful life, a wish for snow, and closed with thanks/wish for a wonderful future.  I am going to have to start recording these.  He is so genuine and it's adorable.  Love that monster.

I realize that I'm 100% bias, but Patrick is really shining in school (probably thanks to being a good year older than his classmates, thank you September 1st school cutoff).  He can write his ENTIRE name, loves to have me spell words for him, is great at numbers, and is generally a smartie pants (but the good kind).  Ms. Phyllis, remember her?! Only Williams' most favorite teacher of all time.  Yep. She says that he is coming out of his shell and we both hope that next year his Pre-K teachers will find the right way to gain his trust.  He's so cute and funny and awesome when he trust you - it just takes a good long minute for him to be comfortable.  We shall see.  Fingers crossed.  Pre-K is coming up way too soon, and even after getting an extra year of him being "little", I'm still not ready to send him to real school.

Atleast this real school is still at the TLC>  And then I suppose, there will be the perk of both boys going to the same school.  That sure will make drop off/pick up simpler.  Yeah.  Ok.  I can come to terms with that.

They are both still relatively picky eaters.  Patrick more so than William.  I have gotten them to eat pork chops by calling them nuggets or just chops - they haven't figured out it's not chicken yet.  They will eat broccoli, but only raw and with ranch.  I only really like broccoli roasted with olive oil & garlic, so that one is a little less fun to model.  They love sausage and noodles, but I was informed yesterday that they prefer penne over spaghetti noodles.  Oh excuse me!!  But tortelini is always a winner.  LOL  Applesauce will always reign supreme, and Patrick has decided he does like apple slices and even occasionally will eat pineapple.  He does not like blackberries/raspberries in his smoothies.  William loves ALL fruit - no surprises there though!!

OH!  The dog!!  Santa and his elf helper, Silly Willy, brought the boys a puppy a week before Christmas because of their great behavior and asking so sweetly.  :)  She is a beagle mix and her name is Sadie.  She is perfectly adorable and totally destructive.  The boys aboslutely adore her!  William totally and emphatically believs that she is  a North Pole puppy and desperately wants to take her to school to show everyone.  Just the cutest.  They love to give her hugs (when she's still), take turns holding the leash when she walks, and teaching her new tricks.  She is 5 months old (3 months when we got her) and is ALL puppy.  She drives me bananas but is very sweet when tired and likes to cuddle and loves to sleep under my covers.  Silly dog.  She is the best worst decision ever.  Haha!!
Finally got rid of the bunkbeds a couple weeks ago.  Patrick was starting to hit his head regularly and I was just kind of over the bulky thing.  So now they are side by side and I think they like it!  I like it because now I can easily kiss them both goodnight and they have learned how to make their bed.  There is less floor space for playing, but the back room has become their playroom, so they aren't really losing too much there.  They keep waffling back and forth between wanting a Pokemon or dinosaur room.  I think I'll end up doing Pokemon (mostly because when they first agreed I went ahead and bought 8 prints off there's that).  Oh - catch up - William has been obsessed with Pokemon for atleast a year.  His 6th birthday cake was Pokemon, everything he got for his birthday was Pokemon, and we are still watching it on Netflix multiple times a week.  I know a lot about their powers and forms and well, yeah.  Haha!!  Patrick LOVES dinosaurs though - so maybe I'll do something in the playroom with that.  They flip flop.  Silly monsters.
So yeah - there's been a decent amount of change in the past two years.  Just the three of us now, plus the evil cat, and a crazy puppy....  But we're good.  Atleast according to William's prayer this morning - we have a wonderful life - and I couldn't agree more.


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