Sunday, August 22, 2010

Random Assortment of William

Let's see - August has been fun and busy - I'll do my best to remember all the fun things pepito has been doing.  It's kind of amazing how much he is learning to do every single day.  I guess one of the major things he's figured out is sippy cups.  We are 100% off of bottles now!  Not even one for bedtime.  And we didn't have anything to do with this choice - a couple nights in a row Sam would get him all ready for bedtime, swaddled and watching Fox News on the ottoman like always, but he didn't want to drink his bottle.  And that's how his bedtime routine died.  He just didn't need it anymore.  So now we have dinner, maybe a bath, put on pjs, play a little bit if it's not quite 7pm yet, and then he goes in with a sippy cup of milk and a kiss.  Easy cheesey.  And usually there is almost no crying.  It's brilliant.  He's been doing this for naptime for awhile now but for him to actually want this for bedtime is huge for us!  He's becoming such a big boy.  :)

he LOVES balloons!!  

And naptime has gotten super easy as well, which is awesome for me.  9am (maybe 9:30 if he got up late) and 2pm every day.  He knows it's time for sleepy and rarely puts up a fuss.  I give him a cup of juice and he's good to go.  AND he sleeps for about 1.5!  I swear, I think he sleeps more now than he did when he was itty bitty!  Wild!  Though, with the longer naps, I now feel pinned to the house.  It's become much more difficult to get out and run errands but the trade off is I'm able to get a lot done around the house...ahem, sewing more pants...ha!  But still - it's nice to be able to have TIME to get things done instead of rushing.

underneath his highchair is his "secret" play place

He's so funny when he wakes up.  He likes to wake up slowly.  I guess I heard him stirring really soon after he woke up so I went in his room but he wasn't ready yet and he was just stretching and burying his head in the mattress and obviously wanted to sleep some more.  It was so funny - something I would expect when he's 7 and I'm trying to get him up - but I didn't expect him to be doing it at 1.  Hilarious.  And way too cute.

all ready for bed in his 18 month pjs - when did he get so big?!

Plus - he's so happy almost all the time.  The "talking" has gotten way out of hand.  We are in for it when the babbling becomes words.  And the squealing - so funny!  He's really grown into such a great kid - we are so lucky!

playing with his plastic bowls

Oh - Bill got sworn in at the Capitol on Wednesday and a TON of people showed up to wish him well.  Before it all got started we were letting William walk around and try to run off some energy.  I was following him around keeping my eyes on him and he started pulling on someone's suit pants.  In my head, I'm thinking - oh Lord just let whoever these pants belong to be nice and think he's cute - and lo and behold it was Bill!  William had found his Grandaddy in a humongo crowd!  It was so sweet and I know Bill melted right then...I would have!

eating his drumsticks...

He loves cars - no surprise - he's all boy.  Mostly at this point he just eats them but sometimes they make it on the ground to roll.  The lawn mower he got for his birthday though - that's THE toy!  He plays with it ALL day, pushing it around, inspecting the gadgets and making a TON of noise with it.  Seriously - it's loud!!  Sam pointed out the silent button today though, so that's good.  :)

the only way to get him to let me take his picture while looking at the camera? give him the lens cap...silly boy

I think he might start a rock collection when he gets a little older - he's very into the gravel by the driveway.  Gravitates there every time he's outside.

"mowing" the floors

OH - we're teething again but it's not nearly as bad as before.  He's got 3 or 4 teeth on top that are THIS close to coming through.  I'm sure he's excited - he'll be able to eat almost anything he wants then!  And he's stopped chewing on my nose and chin for the time being - so that's good too - no bite marks for mommy!

cars!! cars!! cars!!

I know he does adorable things everyday that I should be able to remember, but I can't.  Maybe I'll start writing them on random pieces of paper so when I finally remember to blog I'll have them ready to go.  But that means I would have to remember to write them down...we'll see.


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