Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No More Gicky Mouse

Poor William.  He probably doesn't mean to be so obsessive, but lord child, he does get that trait honestly.... ha!  When he likes something, he LOVES it.  It's all he can talk about, all he wants to think about, the only thing he wants to do.  And for the past couple weeks his obsession has been Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  We've downloaded 30 episodes to the DVR, he of course has his favorites, and requests "Daisy" over and over again.  I practically know her "special dance" at this point!  

And we've been perfectly happy to indulge this obsession.  Especially with Patrick sick, it just made everything, mornings & evenings easier.  But then, when we stopped eating dinner in the living room out of sheer exhaustion, we noticed that the tantrums when he had to stop watching Gickey Mouse were getting worse and worse.  Blatant ugliness.  Big big tears.  Throwing himself on the floor.  Bad news bears.  He wouldn't listen.  Epic sized tantrums.  We are not happy to indulge that behavior.  After refusing to come to the dinner table and throwing a fit on Saturday, we took away tv for all of Sunday.  

 There was minor fussing about that - but he's 2 - of course he was going to whine but it didn't last long at all.  And he was an absolute joy.  (Plus, he went to B&B's for most of the day - so it was even easier)  He got tv back on Monday.  Epic tantrums when we turned it off to go to school.  SO OVER THIS at this point.  Big parenting decision - we were making the committment to NO tv whatsoever for the rest of the week.  And I'm not kidding - our sweet darling kind little boy has reappeared.  Like magic.  He hasn't even missed the tv.  He's been reading every book on his shelf, building block towers, roaring around the house, playing with Patrick, and being sweet.  Oh so sweet.  He sat in my lap this evening and we probably read 10 different books.  And every time he got a new one we had to snuggle in under the covers.  I've missed this sweet boy!!  So - the tv is gone indefinitely.  I don't mind not having the noise either.

And for the record, I don't believe for one second that there is a parent out there who doesn't let their kid watch tv.  So, think what you want, but I will call you off your high horse any day.  Just saying.

Patrick is growing up way way way too fast.  In the span of two weeks, he began inch worm crawling, pulling himself up to his feet, and then crawling like a big boy.  And then! we pick him up this afternoon and he's got a sippy cup of ice water.  I want to pout my lip a little more.  He's supposed to be my baby and he's learning all of these big boy things way too quickly.  At this rate he's going to be walking for Cinco de Mayo...  

He'll probably have a tooth soon.  I'm not thrilled about this either, surprise surprise... haha.  But he has been gnawing on everything in sight, had a low fever the other day, went nuts for ice water, and when he munched on my chin yesterday - it hurt a little bit.  I suppose he'll have to get teeth one day - I was just hoping that maybe it would hold off until closer to a year.  I'm a little scared of what teeth will mean for breastfeeding...

Patrick got his first taste of the swing recently and he loves it every bit as much as William did.  I bet he could swing for hours and the smiles that come with means that I would let him!!  Oh so adorable.  William hasn't warmed up to the big boy swing yet though and unfortunately for him there's only one baby swing per swing set - so he's going to have to learn.  I bet he comes to terms with that the same times he decides the potty is a good thing. ha!


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