Friday, March 12, 2010

Callaway Gardens

Dad & Sara were at Callaway the beginning part of the week because Sara had a conference to go to. And of course, brilliant idea, take advantage of their room key and go to the Gardens with William. So, of we headed at the break of dawn to meet my Dad. (this made possible that the new wake up call is around 5:00, so we got everything ready, trip to Walmart to get pepito some sunglasses and me a Snickers bar for breakfast, all before 7:30)

William slept on the way up, which made for an easy ride, and we got there a little after 8:00. Too bad it was still too cold to go to the Gardens, so we played in the room for thirty minutes hoping that would make a difference. We still bundled him up in lots of layers and started at the Discovery Center.
how cute is he all bundled up!?!!
The best part of going on Monday is that there is literally almost no one there. We only saw maybe 6 people on the trails the entire time. Love!! (this was also important for when William decided his day was over and screamed when we still had a mile walk back to the car...)

with Grandaddy K at the koi pond

We had a great time walking him around the greenhouse at the Discovery Center and I think he might've enjoyed it. He atleast didn't mind being in the jogging stroller, which is always a plus. He got ants in his pants a couple of times and Daddy & I would take turns holding Mr. 18 Pounds.

aww - posing with mommy - he was more interested in the fountain...
It warmed up pretty quickly and was an absolutely lovely day. It was fun being on the trails that I remember speeding around on my bike as a kid. As long as we were buddied up, which was easy being that there were 5 of us, we could go wherever we wanted. My goodness we rode all over that place and thought we were big stuff. Not sure I would be allowed to do that now, but 20 years ago it was awesome.

amusing us with his funny faces

The best part was just getting hours alone with my Dad. Who knows what we talked about, well I do but I'm not sharing it here ;), but it was so nice to be listened to. Goodness knows I was in need of adult conversation. Oh - one thing - the idea (not right word) that our generation will be the first in a LONG time to not have it as good as our parents. And I know that everyone has struggles, regardless, but it certainly feels true in our lives right this very second. And that's kinda depressing. Funny though - I later heard the same thought repeated on Blue Collar Comedy on Sirius Radio. One of the jokes was basically that atleast we won't be telling our kids we had to walk uphill both ways in the snow - no, we were carted around in SUVs, etc. It was funnier when he said it. Anyway. Just thought that was interesting.

sitting at the chapel looking at the creek and small waterfall

The one thing William DID NOT like was the Butterfly House. So disappointed he didn't like it - but it was CRAZY hot and humid in there and he immediately freaked out three steps in. I wanted to show him all the butterflies, but guess we'll have to wait until he's older. Dad & I weren't that upset about leaving it though - it WAS really uncomfortable in there!

i love little feet - absolutely adorable

I really enjoyed reliving fun times at Callaway with my kid. And I love that we live so close to it - that we can go every week if we wanted. I made a mental note to google the annual pass when we got home, but the page wasn't working for me to see. Then my Dad shows up on Tuesday to babysit William while I was at class with an annual pass for us! My Dad is the best!! Now we can go as a family and start our own Callaway memories! I'm so excited!! AND - the pass allows me to get in six people!! Hadley and I are already planning on taking the boys on Tuesday after my Final Exam - yay!!

Now we just need bikes....


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