Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What are the odds?

Well, probably actually pretty good. I'll get to that later.

Went shopping with Hads today at the big biannual consignment sale and picked up lots of goodies for William. It was absolute necessity - when he grows out of 6-9 months - we had literally - 3 things for him to wear. Well, maybe it was 5, but still. And none of it was normal day clothes, it was all nice stuff.

So I picked up lots. Well, lots within a $50 budget. Which is stretching it a bit for us - but baby needs his tush covered - so might as well spend it when it goes a little bit farther...

Hads & I were oogling the section with the smocked cutesy outfits, and there was one with a monogram on it - nope not pepito's... But then I did find something with his name on it! It pained me to pay $6 for a cotton romper AT A CONSIGNMENT SALE, but I can't have anything monogrammed for that cheap in town - plus the grasshopper is too cute.

And turns out - William is becoming a very popular name - lots of friends with or having babies are naming their boys William. Though, I think we might the only ones not shortening it to Will or Liam or....? So, hopefully he'll keep his name long - we'll see.

Anything but Willie T. ;) (love ya Dad)

Changing directions - William isn't coming home until Saturday. Which is bittersweet. I'm really starting to miss him but I'm able to get so much done and it'll be nice to have two days without school and without baby. Shopping today was so much easier with only Hadley's two year old, deciding to leave the house can be done on a whim, and I can spray paint inside only making myself high... haha.

I definitely miss him more than I thought I would though. It's weird not having my days revolve around him and I'm afraid of how much he could change in a week. (yeah, I know that that last one is just me being silly) And he's so fun to walk toodle around the house and eating everything he can find - he's really amusing!

Though, I hear that he's been waking up in the middle of the night and getting up in the morning at 4:30 - so maybe he can stay with the grandparents a little longer...

just refound this picture today - love Burnie's expression - she's evil

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