Sunday, June 26, 2011

We revived the video camera

Our very insanely nice video camera that my Daddy bought us to celebrate his first grandson has been dead for months.  We kept saying "we should video this" super cute thing William is doing but then the camera was dead. So then we would remind ourselves that we need to get it out of the bag and charge it.  This conversation continued for entirely too long.  We finally remembered a week ago to plug it in to the charger - so we played some serious catch up.  And, William did not disappoint.  He put on a quite a show.  Love this little man.

Williams Sings:

Ok - it took WAY too long to get that one video uploaded - so you'll have to wait to see William pretend to be a "Choo-Choo" until another day.  Definitely worth the wait though.

check out all the cars and trains he was able to hold - slight obsession, nothing serious

WAY WAY LATE - Sam had a nice Father's Day.  I think we took it easy most of the day, well except for hanging pictures over William's bed.  Though, that wasn't hard work.  We are doing a "gallery wall" of sorts - and it works out because we have more frames than is really healthy to have just "laying around".  And what's so sad is there are many more, but we only used the black ones.  Anyhow.  It's starting to look really good, like a real nursery where children play and sleep.  No pictures yet though - still not even close to finished and looks a little haphazard at the moment.  Plus, William doesn't know how to make his bed yet...

playing AIRPLANE on Father's Day

I am still very pregnant.  I suppose, though, that you don't really stop being very pregnant until you have the baby - so yeah.  I guess I should stop saying it that way.  I am FEELING pregnant.  The baby is sitting somewhere in there that makes me very uncomfortable at the least and in serious pain at the worse.  But he's moving right now while I type and that makes me happy - so for the moment I will pretend that pregnancy is the greatest most wonderful feeling ever.  I am 29 weeks now, and will start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks, and then, I'm sure, before I know it I will be seeing the doctor every week.  Which means that it is practically time to have the baby.  And that reminds me that we still have so much to do!!  Aaahhhhhh!!!

cute happy William

And goodness, we are about to officially have a two year old in just over a month, which means there has to be a birthday party, which means I have to figure out where/how to have one.  I should really get off the computer and get to work on SOMETHING!

reading his favorite train book naked.  this one will probably make it into a senior yearbook or rehearsal dinner photo slideshow...  "choo choo"


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